Sentiment analysis was done on the The Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST-5) dataset.
It was done using 4 classifiers, namely:
Multinomial Logistic Regression
Multinomial Naives Bayes
Decision Tree
Support Vector Machine
A pie chart containing the distributed % of emotions would be displayed.
Project Link :
Made a Fullstack application using React , Express , MongoDB and Nodejs.
Application allows you to upload a title , message ,tags and a picture.
Users can also like the picture and delete or update their posts.
Libraries used for Frontend : Axios ,moment ,react-file-base64,redux-thunk , Material UI.
Libraries used for Backend :cors ,express, mongoose , nodemon , Body-parser
Project deployed here : -
Project Link :
Web application to book online tutors.
Made using Django and Postgresql.
Used Stripe API for processing payments.
Project Link :
Deployed at :
Type-or-Catch Game
Game Made using HTML , CSS and JavaScript.
Catch the keyword bubbles by moving the fish across the screen using your mouse.
The keyword bubbles can even be caught or popped by pressing the particular keyword.
Each bubble pop adds to your score.
Project Link :
Deployed at :
Video Hooks
Cloned a part of the YouTube ecosystem using ReactJs.
Shows the video that is been searched using React-hooks and fetching data from YouTube API.
Project Link :
Deployed at :
Data Scraping
Scrapes Data from a popular social news website HACKERNEWS
Focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship.
Uses Python module BeautifulSoup4 for scrapping
This project shows only the articles with a specific amount of votes directly on the IDE that the user is using without ever opening the website.
Project Link :